Blac Inc

BLAC INC Electro-Hydraulic Actuators and Control Systems

Comid is delighted to announce its new agency arrangement with BLAC INC. for their range of speciality electro-hydraulic Actuators for the power, pipeline and refinery industries.

Comid see this as part of their on-going diversification which is aimed at providing a complete service to its current, and future, customers.

BLAC INC. is an aggressive fast growing leader in the industry technology.  They are committed to do the best job that they can for the customer in providing new high technology equipment and in service for their equipment and other suppliers of electro-hydraulic actuator systems.

BLAC INC., as a supplier of electro-hydraulic actuators, has worked with and been evaluated and approved by UOP, General Electric, Siemens-Westinghouse, Licensors of all FCCU processes, most large engineering companies and major power producers and refining companies.

BLAC INC. is an American owned small business that started in a very conservative market due to the critical nature of their process functions.  They have worked hard to lead the industry in forward thinking technology products.  BLAC INC. leads the industry in refinery FCCU actuator sales volume, innovative technology development, product quality, and support services worldwide. BLAC INC. also has brought the technology from the refining industry systems to the pipeline and power plant actuators to now lead those industry technology developments.

BLAC INC was formed in 1990 with people who had expertise in the linear, quarter turn ball and butterfly valve actuators and in the rebuilding and upgrading of those actuator systems. Much of the technology that BLAC INC. has brought to the marketplace is based on these years of field service experience. The company’s mission has always been to be the benchmark in the industry.

a_Damper_Actuator_Linear_UnitBLAC INC. Actuators meet all International Electrical & Mechanical Codes and Standards.

Major markets supplied by BLAC INC. Actuator Systems include:


  • Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Units – Slide, Expander Turbine Butterfly, Plug Valves, Air Blower Surge, Air Blower Stator Vane Controls, Wet Gas Compressor Suction and Kickback Valve Controls, Catalyst Dropout

Power Plant – Boiler Applications

  • Induced Draft Fan Dampers, Force Air Draft Dampers, Secondary Air Dampers, Startup Valve Actuators, Steam Pressure Control Valves, Water Control Valves, and Flue Gas Duct
    a_Self_Contained_Ball_Valve_Actuator Isolation Damper Systems

Power Plant – Turbine Applications

  • Control Valves on Large GE & Siemens-Westinghouse Steam Turbine’s
  • Control Valves on Large Siemens-Westinghouse Gas Turbines
  • Inlet Guide Vane Actuators on GE, Siemens, and Westinghouse Gas Turbines
  • Isolation Dampers and Diverter Dampers for Heat Recovery Boilers

Pipeline Applications

  • Pipeline Gas and Product Ball, Plug and Gate Valve Actuators for On-Off, Modulating and Safety Shutdown Valves
  • Liquid Pipeline Pump Discharge Pressure Control
  • Metering Valve Application